Solar panel recycling equipment (reset recycling)
Efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
SDG Targeted

Target 7.2
By 2030, reduce waste by more than 80% through the recycling of solar panels and create
eco-friendly energy by producing clean electricity using renewable energy solar power.
End-of-Life Solar Panel Recycling Center
Solar waste issue starting soon
By reducing the amount of discarded solar waste, we are creating environmental, social, and economic
By reducing the waste that power generation companies throw away through Reset's panel separation equipment,
we are reducing processing costs and recycling clean materials to generate additional profits, providing a
win-win environment for companies and customers.

Solar waste panel automated separation technology
Solar panels are bulky and heavy, and recyclable materials such as aluminum and tempered glass must be
separated, reduced, and discarded.
(Composition: 76% tempered glass, 8% aluminum, 10% polymer, 5% silicon, 1% copper, 0.1% silver)
Reset Solution

Integrated solar panel frame separation equipment


Solar panel frame and junction box separation equipment was developed to separate the aluminum attached to the panel and the junction box.
The panel's aluminum frame and junc- tion box are mainly attached with sili- cone-based adhesive or adhesive seals.
It is designed to be separated simulta- neously using an electric or hydraulic cylinder depending on the silicone ad- hesive used to attach the junction box or the bonding strength used in the frame.
In addition, panel supply and disman- tled frame panel transfer can be han- dled automatically.

Solar panel tempered glass separation equipment


The solar panel tempered glass can be separated without the aluminum frame and junction box.
The glass for solar panels uses low iron tempered glass and is attached to an EVA sheet.
Tempered glass and EVA sheet can be separated using a special blade, and high purity glass in plate form can be separated, increasing the value of recycling.